
Housing and Mental Health: Strategies for a distributed dependency SUB ENG


Housing is intended as a strategy that focuses on the transition that goes from aid to inclusion.

Mental illness affects around 27% (83m.) of Europeans annually (European Social Work, 2013). Studies comparing community-based services with other models of care show significant better outcomes on adherence to treatment, clinical symptoms, quality of life, housing stability, and vocational rehabilitation (Braun P. et al.1981; Conway M. et al.1994; Bond et al.2001)

Housing and Mental Health: Strategies for a distributed dependency SUB ENG


Housing is intended as a strategy that focuses on the transition that goes from aid to inclusion.

Mental illness affects around 27% (83m.) of Europeans annually (European Social Work, 2013). Studies comparing community-based services with other models of care show significant better outcomes on adherence to treatment, clinical symptoms, quality of life, housing stability, and vocational rehabilitation (Braun P. et al.1981; Conway M. et al.1994; Bond et al.2001)

Categorie: video professionali

Housing and Mental Health: The Hero project SUB ENG


Housing is intended as a strategy that focuses on the transition that goes from aid to inclusion.

Mental illness affects around 27% (83m.) of Europeans annually (European Social Work, 2013). Studies comparing community-based services with other models of care show significant better outcomes on adherence to treatment, clinical symptoms, quality of life, housing stability, and vocational rehabilitation (Braun P. et al.1981; Conway M. et al.1994; Bond et al.2001)

Housing and Mental Health: The Hero project SUB ENG


Housing is intended as a strategy that focuses on the transition that goes from aid to inclusion.

Mental illness affects around 27% (83m.) of Europeans annually (European Social Work, 2013). Studies comparing community-based services with other models of care show significant better outcomes on adherence to treatment, clinical symptoms, quality of life, housing stability, and vocational rehabilitation (Braun P. et al.1981; Conway M. et al.1994; Bond et al.2001)

Categorie: video professionali

Introduzione al Zhineng Qigong - ASD Zhineng Qigong Italia

Un'introduzione al Zhineng Qigong a cura dell'ASD Zhineng Qigong Italia in occasione del seminario con i M. Wang Lingling e Lu Zhengdao presso l'ostello Altanon nell'agosto 2017. Interviste a: M. Lu Zhengdao, Amanda Carloni, Ramon Testa.

Introduzione al Zhineng Qigong - ASD Zhineng Qigong Italia

Un'introduzione al Zhineng Qigong a cura dell'ASD Zhineng Qigong Italia in occasione del seminario con i M. Wang Lingling e Lu Zhengdao presso l'ostello Altanon nell'agosto 2017. Interviste a: M. Lu Zhengdao, Amanda Carloni, Ramon Testa.

Categorie: video professionaliconvegni conferenze e workshop

SORTECH - Ballistic separators 2D/3D - Separatori balistici 2D/3D

Sortech - Progettazione e Costruzione di impianti di Separazione Rifiuti e Materie Prime.

SORTECH - Ballistic separators 2D/3D - Separatori balistici 2D/3D

Sortech - Progettazione e Costruzione di impianti di Separazione Rifiuti e Materie Prime.

Categorie: video professionali